Pet Travel

While travelling abroad there is the potential to contract other diseases which are not so highly regulated – but are still highly important!

Some of the diseases include:

  • Babesiosis
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Hepatozoonosis
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Heartworm
  • Canine Brucellosis

These diseases are not found in the UK so all animals that have lived solely in the UK will not have faced them and will therefore be more susceptible to the disease when abroad. A lot of these diseases can be spread through vectors such as flies, mosquitos and ticks!

Some preventative measures can be taken for some of these diseases so it is best to speak to us at the surgery so we can advise you on these to ensure your pet will be as safe as possible.

Anyone who has, or would like a pet passport to take their pet abroad should start to look into the procedure as soon as possible.
Due to the unknown changes regarding Brexit, the Government recommend any pet planning on travelling after 29th March 2019 should also have the antibody titre test done after a rabies vaccination has been given, which will allow you to have a certificate for your pet to show they have full immunity against rabies.
This can take up to 3 months to gain, so we are advising our clients to start looking into this if you plan on taking your pet abroad after Brexit next year.
For more info, please visit and search for ‘pet travel’

Pets (Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) can travel abroad to many different countries as long as they meet all entry requirements.

Each country will have it’s own entry requirements and these are compulsory for travelling there. You need to check these entry requirements before booking.

Majority of people will only travel to a country within the EU with their pets – as the entry requirements are not as complicated as for travelling to an unlisted country.

The reason for the strict entry requirements is to stop the possible spread of diseases e.g rabies.

The standard requirements for travelling to and from an E.U country

Your pet must have:

  • A microchip
  • A rabies vaccination
  • A Pet Passport (or official Veterinary Certificate)
  • A tapeworm treatment

You must also

  • Wait 21 days following rabies vaccination to travel
  • Travel via an authorised route


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