• Nurse consults

    Nurse Consultations

Free Nurse clinics are available to all patients with a wide range of topics including:

Weight/diet clinics:
For both under and overweight dogs and cats or even those that just want to maintain. We can weigh, measure and score your pet and work out a personalised feeding and exercise program specific to you and your pet.

Flea/worm checks:
To ensure that you are dosing your pet correctly, we will weigh your pet, advise you on the best treatment for your and their requirements and administer the treatment saving you the battle at home! All you will pay for is the medication.

Just a general ‘Hello’ and a treat:
We try to encourage owners and their pets, especially puppies, to just pop in on a regular basis for a cuddle and a treat so that we can show them that ‘The Vets’ is not just a ‘nasty’ place where they have injections or only come when they’re sick. It is much easier to treat a pet when they’re happy to come and see us.

We also offer nail clipping appointments with the Nurse for a majority of species where we can even teach you how to do it at home if you wish.
